Pelatihan Bahasa Jepang

Kami menyediakan pelatihan bahasa Jepang untuk mempersiapkan siswa menjadi pekerja terampil di jepang.

Program International Study Exchange ke Jepang

Memanage rombongan untuk study banding ke Jepang. Berkunjung ke Institusi pendidikan di Jepang mulai dari tingkat Playgoup sampai Perguruan Tinggi di Jepang.

Program Pekerja Tokuteiginou

Fokus pada program pekerja terampil Tokuteiginou, membantu siswa dengan biaya terjangkau dan dukungan pra pemberangakatan.

Proyek Pelatihan

Meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Jepang siswa untuk bekerja sebagai Special Skill Worker / Tokuteiginou.

A Japanese street scene featuring a large white flag with black Japanese characters in the foreground. In the background, there are modern buildings, a tree, and a red train moving along the street under a partly cloudy sky.
A Japanese street scene featuring a large white flag with black Japanese characters in the foreground. In the background, there are modern buildings, a tree, and a red train moving along the street under a partly cloudy sky.
Program Magang

Bantuan gratis untuk siswa pemagangan di Jepang.

A brightly illuminated yellow sign with Japanese characters, mounted on the side of a building. The building appears to be modern, with visible windows. In the foreground, there are out-of-focus branches with purple flowers, adding a natural contrast to the urban setting.
A brightly illuminated yellow sign with Japanese characters, mounted on the side of a building. The building appears to be modern, with visible windows. In the foreground, there are out-of-focus branches with purple flowers, adding a natural contrast to the urban setting.
Text in Japanese is displayed on a concrete floor near a white wall. The text is arranged horizontally across the floor, creating a minimalist and modern aesthetic.
Text in Japanese is displayed on a concrete floor near a white wall. The text is arranged horizontally across the floor, creating a minimalist and modern aesthetic.
A storefront with Japanese and English signage. The main sign features large red characters on a white background, indicating a pharmacy. Additional signs include symbols for medical services and text in English and Japanese. Air conditioning units are visible near the top left.
A storefront with Japanese and English signage. The main sign features large red characters on a white background, indicating a pharmacy. Additional signs include symbols for medical services and text in English and Japanese. Air conditioning units are visible near the top left.
Keterampilan Khusus

Fokus pada program Tokuteiginou untuk pekerja terampil.